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Wedding List 

All what you need to redy for your big day.


What, how, when and How-brief guide for those getting married and marry these couples

General advice:

Prepare a place known notebook / notebook / laptop computer file (sophisticated among you). Where you write, and immediately remember, all the things that will suddenly to mind and that may be forgotten storm events. Compare prices, ask for advice from friends who have done it before you, browse the Web sites relevant to accumulate as much knowledge, especially if this is your first wedding organizers.

Sign Rabbinate:

First-nothing bureaucrats arrangements. You can not get married according to the laws of Moses and Israel if you do not register the rabbinate. Registration should be made starting from three months to 45 days before the wedding, and you should put it off in our multi-strikes. The bachelor bachelorette certificate to be issued their local religious council (List rabbinate appears separately) .We stand when you have the following equipment: a. Marriage certificate or written to your parents. B. Birth certificate (can be taken out of the Interior Ministry). C. Two witnesses. D. Three passport photos. E. Money to pay an official fee of NIS 135 to be exact, but bring a little more the case that the matter has increased since we tested after receiving the certificate.

Marriage can register in one of three Union Hdtiot-

Places of residence and the city in which you intend to marry. Applicants should bring unmarried certificate, certificate from Rabbi Hmhtn (if it is not by the Chief) and six hundred shekels. There is a discount of 40% of soldiers and National Service, students, yeshiva students and newcomers to two years in the country. If you belong to these groups, resulted in confirmation of this. Also welfare cases will qualify with the presentation of proper authorization. Rabbinate must be written.

Edit guest list:

You will not know what to order but if not you will know how big of an event this is, so first you have to make guest list. Take a notebook and began to write: relatives, neighbors, friends from work / army / University / session / women's school in ... Use the phone book Hmsfhti- too old copies, and recorded at each address.


Argntm pretty much the guest list? But now we need to find appropriate. Check important details, except the price per serving and menu-size dance floor, the general state of cleanliness, service and place hand washing, Is it possible to order catering. Breakfast beginning Hhtona- what it includes and whether it is included in the price. What about the sound and lighting arrangements coast? In general, is the hall gives a chair and canopy decorated to your taste? Even the terms of the merger / heating can be significant. Mltzrim- how many are there? What are they wearing? Do I need to give them a tip? These main things, but the most important is go to the site and see for yourself, and predetermine a conversation with a hall. If you are just like that without warning he may be preoccupied with other matters and can refer you.


Here, too, there is no substitute for a personal impression. Go to the wedding to hear them, but it is best for the wedding resemble as much as possible to yours in terms of the nature of the audience. Beyond the general price band matched with the number of players and hours of playing, the type of music and dancing at dinner and music accompaniment canopy. And very, important to emphasize to them the need to maintain a reasonable level of decibels, even during the dance.


As the two of you will agree on the terms in advance, the less mishaps later. Number of pictures, the cost of further developments, Is it possible to obtain a / Film, option for those interested to the women's photographer, pictures parents, growing, Album for scrapbook, number of copies, and video and more. Check jobs his earlier, made clear the importance he would not disrupt the ceremony, and it is highly desirable work with wireless equipment.

Wedding dress, make-up, hairstyle and shoes:

Very nice arrangements entrusted by the bride. Dress can sew, buy or rent, and there are also charitable enterprises. Often easier to hire, but not always. Aifor- brides often through the living room you will get a good makeup artist cheaper Mar prestigious places, and the difference can be expressed in hundreds of dollars. Tsrookt- Yes "to. And about Shoes on not forget that you also have to dance ... If you want to wear a pair of elegant but comfortable canopy, do not forget to stock up for the evening in another pair.

Unlike the rest of the family:

Subject definitely requires organization, especially if young Lzg There are many brothers and sisters. You should make a precise list who betrayed missing and try to concentrate your shopping time and place are limited. About Shoes See note above for the bride.


There are large price differences by type of paper, color printing / no, if it is a single page or two glued. Check the option to do some of the work at home. Currently has orders that allow saving envelopes by bending and list the address on the outside. Brconim- If you are interested, you can get a package deal if you book your reservation and Bencher in the same place. Before the invitation goes out pattern may want to check that there were no errors in editing.

Arranged last minute:

Let's examine what we forgot ... typesetting guests in the meeting hall. Seating arrangements can be determined Mdoyakim- and do not forget to make notes. General typesetting more- can be "members of the groom", "The Bride" and here appropriate signs should be prepared. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, of course.

Cibodim- division of blessings and honors it carries very important to plan ahead, and the main thing is that everyone left satisfied.

Organization boards Zmnim.ihih much less mess if you determine in advance what length do a tension in the reception, what time will really canopy, about how long the couple will spend a unique room, length of each round of dancing and more. It is advisable to appoint a family member in charge of the subject.

Day before Hhtona- very worthwhile to do a round of phones to make sure that everyone who comes to your wedding really know when and where it should be- photographer, band, a hall, witnesses, and Rabbi Temple.

Wedding Equipment list:

Can be very unpleasant to reach the canopy and discover you forgot the ring at home ... Just to do this work with a list, and more than that- to the dispersed powers. Manu just one of the relatives responsible for bringing all necessary equipment.

List of optional equipment: written, ring (Some people keep the pocket of the groom), a bottle of wine and a cup, a glass wrapped (minute course), tallit By custom, lanterns practices + candles and matches, as in the seven Hbrkot- is better in the large and clearly in favor of well-wishers, ash by custom, to prayer, a list of patients.

List ancillary equipment: safety pin, hair pin, needle and thread, gauze, shirt / pants views, tissues, wipes life download patches quickly, a small box to store a boat carrying the bride, comb, makeup, comfortable shoes, aspirin, accessories for dancing, shredded throw the bride groom, a mobile phone, checkbook and cash for unexpected expenses, Tehilim (always good to have).



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