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Marriage License - The prosess.


The long-awaited moment of signing of the ketubah has a step Mkdim- marriage registry, you can not get married without a religion of Moses and Israel.

To make things easier with this bureaucracy we have brought to you a detailed explanation of what do we do? When? Where? And how?


Where subscribers marriage?

The registration of marriage does not have to start over three months of marriage, because marriage and whose portfolio is a single certificate to 3 Hdshim.alichm decide what city you want to register the marriage. Today there is no obligation to register the marriage just at your location. The place of registration you must choose according Nociohcm. Hour reception, religious councils Ktnot- them simpler process. And councils that you can start the online registration process.

To find the nearest rabbinate Click here

To get to the list of religious councils that allow online registration click here


Issue of women in the rabbinate

If you choose to register for marriage a religious council not to place your neighborhood (or not one of you) may be asked to issue a certificate of women. To do so should contact the Office of the marriage instead of your neighborhood. Islberr advance whether it's religious council wishes to register marriage certificate unmarried. (The changes are a result of different interpretations of the law "Opening the listing will Zones)

The certification of single women have to:

1.todt updated identity, including appendix.

2. Two passport photos.

3. The marriage certificate of the parents or written (except for those whose parents were registered at the Chamber of marriage).

4. Two Jewish witnesses (men) who know the partner and can attest to bachelorhood. Are not close to the bride and groom and are not closely related family relations

Height unmarried fee is 174 dollars.


Marriage Registration

Up to 45 days before the wedding, along with unmarried certificate issued one of you has to go to the rabbinate. Marriage registration is usually simple and takes about half an hour, check in advance of the elected Chief Is loaded and consider starting the online registration

For this purpose, you must bring with you:

1. The updated identity cards that include stub.

2. Three passport photos of each partner.

3. The spouse who has not registered the marriage bureau religious council had recorded his parents will issue a written certificate of marriage or his parents.

4. Birth certificate (required at the marriage registration offices).

5. Certificate of Marriage Registry Office Bachelorette (as above)

* Single or divorced shall provide a certificate of divorce.

* Widow or widower shall provide a death certificate.

* Tourist or a tourist will come up with a passport, single certificate Jewish Rabbinate and approval of local recognized rabbinical court in Israel.

* Immigrants from abroad must apply to their local rabbinical court to determine the qualifications for marriage.

The cost of registering a marriage ₪ 700.

Soldiers, National Service, students, Yeshiva students, immigrants (first two years of the rise), or if one spouse is recognized as a Case Work (Social Services Bureau approval). Are entitled to a 40% discount (what comes ₪ 360).

For this payment will be entitled to filing for a wedding, newspaper ads, great editing and marriage ceremonies, and written.

Rabbinate most beautiful enough addresses many of those satisfied them.

If you are interested in something special you can find it here.

  Along with the addresses received, a written copy, the same filling the canopy, and serve the rabbinate within three days of the wedding A"iharb or by the couple.


It's best to phone in front of you who prescribed you the marriage, so that you address any questions you might have. And find out when to come and get written.


Marriage registration office of the bride will be asked for the name of her brides instructor, she'll get to that of the Chief Instructor. The bride will receive a note on it you will have to sign the instructor brides on her last training.

Another thing that will be asked in the rabbinate is the name of Rabbi Hmhtn you to it, must be arranged in advance the date of the wedding and make sure it is recognized by the Chief Rabbi of authorized marry a bride and groom.



To recive the Ctobbha

One in your life drew near two weeks before the wedding the office to get the written, and at the same time will have the certificate as a guide for brides.


Marriage Certificate

About two weeks after the wedding, call to find out if the certificate is ready and go get it.

A marriage certificate will be accessing all Mosd- wants your marriage official approval. As the Interior Ministry and the Bank.


Good luck and easily!

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