Birth Certificate - The prosess.
Issue of Birth
A birth certificate is given only to those born in the country. Remove the registration of your birth date or a first-degree relative (spouse, children and parents) or other interested parties (together with a letter of explanation), follow the instructions below:
1. Fill out the online form: Request for Birth Certificate
He stated on the full details of the person to whom you submit your application as recorded at birth: identity card number, name, surname, place of birth and date of birth accurate.
Note that, if the person for which you submit the request was born before 1955 he stated on the residence of his parents at birth.
2. how to obtain service:
Online Form - After completing the form and sending it online certificate will be sent to you by mail.
Fax - You can fill out the form, print it and send it by fax to the Information Center of Population and Immigration Authority - 02-6294755.
Mail - You can fill out the form, print it and send it to: Service and Information Center Services, Agrippa 42, of Jerusalem.
Application service box offices of the Immigration Authority.
Personal presence - can be accessed personal offices of the Population in your area and submit the form.
Please note, the certificate will be sent back to you by regular mail mailing list option as it appears in the population registry within 7 working days. Make sure the address listed for you up to date.
For details on the delivery document commissioned Call Center Service and Information Services 3450 * or 1-222-34-50.
Callers outside to Israel, please call 02-6294666.
You can get a certificate bilingual Hebrew-English languages.
For more information visit the Population and Immigration Authority website
Issuing a birth certificate for a person born abroad
A birth certificate is granted only for those born in the country. As an alternative you can receive a summary of the Population Register is used as a replacement birth certificate.
It should be noted on the application the reason for the request condensed, and is there a need to register certain information (such as previous addresses).
This documentation will be issued only person staying in the country.
The applicant may receive services for themselves or for their minor children. To remove an application for another family member or for others, must be accompanied by a power of attorney from a lawyer or a court judgment (native).
Issuing the certificate follow the instructions below:
1. Fill out the online form: Application notes Population Registry registration form or print PDF version.
2. how to obtain service:
Online Form - After completing the form and sending it online certificate will be sent to you by mail.
Fax - You can fill out the form, print it and send it by fax to the Information Center of Population and Immigration Authority - 02-6294755.
Mail - You can fill out the form, print it and send it to the office of the authority in your area.
Application service box offices of the Immigration Authority.
Personal presence - can be accessed personal offices of the Immigration Authority and submit the form.
Please note, the certificate will be sent back to you by regular mail mailing list option as it appears in the population registry within 7 working days. Make sure the address listed for you up to date.
For details on the delivery document commissioned Call Center Service and Information Services 3450 * or 1-222-34-50.
Callers outside to Israel, please call 02-6294666.
For more information visit the Population and Immigration Authority website
Good luck and easily!